So this is is where I will write about various thoughts from the mind of Kayle, have some good questions, or just possibly even bore you to death with a story or two. I hope that won't be the case, but you never know. Peace.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

The craziest,weirdest/scariest thing happened a few minutes go. Here, is what went down, I was at work and we close at 7pm on Sundays, and at 9:15 one of the managers comes over the PA and says "Attention Academy, we have a lost customer in the store." So we all go up to the front by the door, and Valeria starts flipping out. and she made me think that some phsyco path was in the store and was gonna shoot us! So of course, i start flipping out as well. But apparently all it was, was some guy who knew someone and "had" t talk to them. What the heck was he thinking??? What was going thru his mind?? My goodness, give us all a freakin' heartattack! Just hought I would share my excitement with you, so that is all.


Blogger Jake said...

Yay. Fun...I have run out of insight. You should change your link list. And get all of us on your link list. Because that is what link lists are for.

9:01 AM

Blogger Kayle said...

What's this link list you speak of?

3:42 PM


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