So this is is where I will write about various thoughts from the mind of Kayle, have some good questions, or just possibly even bore you to death with a story or two. I hope that won't be the case, but you never know. Peace.

Friday, June 23, 2006


Just started
Is a time for laughter, fun
Staying up late
And sleeping in
A time for adventure
A time to relax
Is a time for vacation
Means no homework
No teachers, no school,
Except for summer school of course,
It gives us a sense of freedom
That we must obey
Can't be summed up in a sentence,
Or in a paragraph
Seems to drag on at times
But in the blink of an eye,
Is gone


Blogger cowgirl said...

i love it. i am happy to have helped yea that make me happy. i really cant sum it up in aparagraph and so on i am happy now ok i amuse way to easily bye

8:10 PM


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