So this is is where I will write about various thoughts from the mind of Kayle, have some good questions, or just possibly even bore you to death with a story or two. I hope that won't be the case, but you never know. Peace.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Ok, well i haven't posted in forever. I realize that. But I have super busy with school, work and what not. Let's see....

-Got my first soundboard training session! whichj by the way TOTALLY ROCKED!!! and then i got to help run sund sunday. yay!
-Yet another 6 weeks is over!!! only 12 more till "schools out for the summer"!!!!!!
-I have been driving to school everyday AND haven't killed anyone!! haha. Little plus there.
And now, for the best thjing that has happened to me all this time:
-My parents said I CAN QUIT ACADEMY!!!!! But the catch is, that iI must find another job. Whjich I'm not too torn up about because they said i can find somewhere that I can work like 5 hour days. instead of flipping 10 or 11 hour days.

That is all.

Oh yeah, and let me just say this little tid bit: Jake, aren't you supposed to have faith in your students? I was in Girl Scouts for 5 years and we learned how to tie knots like a billion times!! I knew what
I was doing. Jeez! lol. (for those of you who have no idea what i am talking about it was because you werent there on sunday. But you will hear the story, I gaurentee it.)


Blogger internetjason said...

Well hello there Ms. Neverpost. Long time no see. I hope all is well, I hope your sound-running abilities continue to grow and that you continue to not kill anyone on the road!

10:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray for soundboards and not killing people! I'm not sure I want to know about Jake and knots, do I?

As far as I'm concerned- there are two kinds of knots:

1. Shoe laces
2. Nautical Miles/Hour

9:17 PM

Blogger Jake said...

I am thoroughly and irrevocibly lost

11:16 AM


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