So this is is where I will write about various thoughts from the mind of Kayle, have some good questions, or just possibly even bore you to death with a story or two. I hope that won't be the case, but you never know. Peace.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

I have heard complaints about me not blogging for a while, so to satisfy that, I'm writing one now. (As you can very well see.. lol.) Let's see, what can I talk about.. Ah yes, Christmas! I recieved: records, record player, shirt from Papaya (thanks Faith!), other Papaya clothes, music, new phone cover, art stuff (yay!!!), and I am still not done with recieveing/giving gifts.. haha. My guitar lessons are toally rockin right now! I swear, I have the best and coolest teacher ever! I went and saw the best movie ever (ERAGON) with Sammi and Steph a few days ago. It totally rocked! I went to the mall with Stephy on Tuesday, and bought some awsome clothes. Ummm, I don't know what else.. So I will close out for now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lame, but a post nonetheless so I will take your name down from the wall of shame. Cheater.

4:37 PM

Blogger Kayle said...

umm excuse me.. lame?? what were you expecting a wonderfull post?? haha. at least im no longer on the wall of shame. lol. and and technically im not a cheater, cuz you never said anything about it being a long, great post.. haha.

9:30 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you posted... that's all I care about. Rock on Kayle!

11:54 AM


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