So this is is where I will write about various thoughts from the mind of Kayle, have some good questions, or just possibly even bore you to death with a story or two. I hope that won't be the case, but you never know. Peace.

Monday, January 01, 2007

So since, my last blog wasn't exactly "the best", I thought I would write again.. haha. Let's see when I got to work yeaterday, my manager called us all into the fitting room for a meeting. After all the chit-chat she had us pull names out of a cup. We were all a little suspicous of what was going on. It turns out that she brought some of the things she got for x-mas and wwas gonna GIVE THEM OUT TO US! IO thopught, she must be absurd to do something like this! She got these for x-mas, why would she want to give them away?!?! Thats when I really understood what Christmas is all about. Not only being with thiose you love and appreciating all Christ has done for us, but giving selflessly. So I thought that was really cool and nice that she did that..
Later, I went to church for the coolest rock show ever!!! Threads was amazing! Citizens3:20 totally rocked! Stillpoint WAS THE BEST!!!!!! ENCORE ENCORE! haha. So I don't know if this is better than the other one, but I tried.. haha. Oh and the Franklins- Wish ya'll could have been there!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, Kayle got spammed! The new year concert was incredible. Stillpoint rocks so loud, and surprisingly they were holding back quite a bit. At the retreat last week Brandon was jumping on the subs!

1:26 PM

Blogger dacopenhagen said...

haha i do like jumping... : P

5:21 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's better, it's better. My only question is: what did you get?

7:51 AM


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